01/10/2012 21:0818 June 2009
Dear Catherine,
How are you. I hope you are happy at home & getting on well at school and that your friends support you. I would like to know that all is well with you. Did you get my letter & present for your birthday – I really pray you did.
I can only give you my news: I had a stall at St Anselm’s school Fete last Saturday. I went along early in the morning and helped to put things up. I spoke to some of the teachers including the deputy head who told me work is going to start on the first phase of the redevelopment of the school this summer. I worked on that for quite a while and will be interested to see progress. I saw some of your friends around and heard afterwards that you were there with mum. I wished you had come to say hello – I would not bite you!
Cathy is not very well in Majorca, she was getting headaches and dizzy spells and is off work. She had an MRI scan and they found fluid on her brain which she has to have drained, which sounds serious but apparently is not so bad. She goes to see a specialist this Tuesday. Your aunty Marie is a bit worried about her.
Uncle John is a little better. Fiona spends a lot of her day looking after him and is quite tired. Gavin, Rory and Tonia give her breaks during the week. Tonia is particularly helpful and cooks sometimes. I am going there again for the weekend at the end of the month. I try to help Fiona by cutting the grass, weeding and clipping hedges and things like that. Send John a card if you will please.
Babicka will be 90 at the end of July and I am to go there to help her celebrate. Do you remember her 80th birthday, possibly not as you were only 2 and a bit, Andrew & Marie came too. We stayed in the cottage and spent a lot of time by a lake in a forest.
I started to play tennis in a club near where I live, it is really enjoyable. I played in a social tournament last Sunday when it was nice and sunny. I am working quite hard and am happy I still have my job. I am still in my room, I am getting used to it now. I am hoping to move into a flat and am trying to arrange it at present. If I do move it will be in August and I will let you know all about it.
Don’t forget that I love you always. I keep reading your letter to the judge and understand your feelings but if there is anything you would like or if there is something you want to tell me, you can just send me a text. I cannot reply by text but would deal with it in my next letter. I am sure you wish me a happy father’s day even if you do not say. I understand what you are going through and do not want you to feel bad about me. I wish I could make things better, perhaps you can suggest something. So far I have done exactly what the judge asked. Have a good week.
Lots of love,
xxx 17 Harley Road, Harrow HA1 4XF