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Letter 31

26/02/2015 14:14
26th February 2015 Dear Catherine, This will be another brief letter I think as I have left it late to start.  We had a party here in the office to announce our new premises to clients and others on Tuesday evening.  Zara came and was great company, happily chatting to anyone who came to...

Letter 30

20/02/2015 14:18
20th February 2015 Dear Catherine, This is just a brief letter, as you have been on my mind a lot recently.  I do check on your Facebook account every now and again, but I am sorry to see you haven’t changed your profile since early last November.  I suppose you have outgrown it and now...

Letter 29

10/02/2015 14:15
10th February 2015 Dear Catherine, It has been three months since I wrote to you. This is not because I have forgotten you, far from it, I think about you every day, sometimes I even dream about you and I always pray that you are getting on well with your life, of course with the hope that we will...

Letter 28

11/11/2014 15:01
11th November 2014 Dear Catherine, We are moving office yet again this week.  Where we are now has been a temporary stop for a few months while we found a new permanent office.  It is going to be such a relief to be able to settle down as this is the fourth move in 20 months.  It has...

Letter 27

22/10/2014 13:23
21st October 2014 Dear Catherine, You have become a virtual person with your identity locked in your Facebook account from which my access is barred; that is apart from seeing your profile and cover photos.  Even now I can see your smiling face looking at me with your charming smile and open...

Letter 26

08/10/2014 14:19
8th October 2014 Dear Catherine, I went over to Ireland for the weekend; actually I left straight from work on Thursday to London City airport, which is my favourite, in London anyway.  It only takes 30 – 40 minutes to get there from the office and being a small airport there are not many...

Letter 25

11/09/2014 14:00
  11th September 2014 Dear Catherine, You must be back into the swing of your final year at school.  I wonder what A level subjects you are taking, maybe Maths, Science, Art or a language as I see you got an A* in Spanish.  And I would be really interested to know what you are going...

Letter 24

21/08/2014 16:02
  21st August 2014 Dear Catherine, The last month or so have been busy, with first Gavin staying with me.  I’m sure you remember him form Ireland.  He is a tall handsome boy, your first cousin and he was travelling around the South of England, ending in London where he spread his...

Letter 23

14/07/2014 13:58
  14th July 2014 Dear Catherine, You must be on your summer holidays now; I am sure that must make you happy.  You must have been working hard for your AS level exams so you deserve a break.  I say you must have been working hard, but of course I don’t know, I can only imagine you...

Letter 22

25/06/2014 14:39
  25th June 2014 Dear Catherine, Every time I think about you, and I do every day at least every day, mostly unexpectedly something brings you to memory, like seeing a dad with his daughter or hearing some bad news about a young girl, I can never imagine what you must think about me. ...